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6 common misconceptions about artificial turf

We’re proud to say that Luxe Turf is a leading provider of artificial turf on the Gold Coast. We’ve been in the artificial turf industry for over 20 years, helping people choose synthetic grass for their homes and businesses. 

Over the years, we’ve witnessed how misconceptions can stop people from purchasing artificial turf and making a great decision for their property, so today, we’re here to discuss the most common misconceptions about artificial turf and why they are so wrong. 

Misconception 1: Artificial turf doesn’t look real

Just because it’s artificial doesn’t mean it doesn’t look real! Technology has come a long way in recent years, and artificial turf looks better than ever. Today’s artificial turf looks and feels like natural grass, and many customers install synthetic turf as a natural grass replacement. In many cases, it’s hard to tell the difference between artificial turf and real grass. 

At Luxe Turf, we believe our range of artificial turf often looks better than natural grass. In Australia, the extreme weather conditions can make it difficult to keep the turf looking great all year round with brown spots and weeds. Artificial turf continues to look amazing, despite the weather.

Misconception 2: Artificial turf requires a lot of maintenance

We’ve heard many people believe that artificial turf requires a lot of care. Compared to natural grass, artificial turf needs very little maintenance. There’s no need to mow it, fertilise it or water it. To keep it looking great, all you need to do is hose it off occasionally. 

For this reason, artificial turf is great for sporting fields, playgrounds and schools. It’s ideal for any areas that are hard to reach with a mower and will continue to look great year after year. 

Tips on how to look after artificial turf.

Misconception 3: Artificial turf is hard to walk on

Years ago, artificial turf was hard and uncomfortable to walk on. It absorbed heat and was too hot for your feet. These days, artificial turf has come a long way; it’s designed with cooling technology to keep it cooler in the sun. It’s also soft and luxurious to walk on, often softer than natural grass. 

Our Comfort Turf is an excellent option if you want synthetic turf that is soft and luxurious. It’s perfect for backyards with families who spend a lot of time playing on the grass. It has an extra-soft feel yet is super durable for heavy traffic areas. 

Misconception 4: Artificial turf is bad for the environment

Another common misconception is that artificial turf isn’t good for the environment. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf doesn’t need fertilisers, pesticides and continued watering, allowing you to reduce your carbon footprint and your impact on the environment. There’s no need for a shed full of equipment to take care of your lawn, reducing landfill in the long term. 

Check out the environmental benefits of artificial turf

Misconception 5: Artificial turf isn’t suitable for pets

Are you worried that artificial turf won’t be suitable for your pets? Artificial grass is safe for pets. It’s made from non-toxic materials and only requires a hose off occasionally to keep it looking great. Unlike natural grass, artificial turf drains away water during rain, so no more muddy footprints in the house! Pet waste can be easily removed and rinsed with a hose. 

Misconception 6: Artificial turf is expensive   

Many people believe artificial turf is too expensive, but while there is an initial investment, there are no ongoing costs. Looking after natural grass requires ongoing maintenance costs like water, fertilisers and equipment, making it cost more in the long term. 

We hope we’ve helped shed light on the benefits of artificial turf and opened your eyes up to some of the common misconceptions. After years of experience installing artificial turf, we know how great it is and understand how it can add value to your property. 

If you’d like more information to help you make an informed decision about your grass, contact Luxe Turf online or call 0400 559 958. 

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